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Scott McElroy
0411 889 972

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Brought to life by the Gold Rush, Carlton flourished as Melbourne did. As the first stop from the city, a wide array of businesses and stores filled the streets. Multicultural offerings stepped to the fore and an international flavour took hold. In the background, the Royal Exhibition Building, built in an Italian Renaissance style, held court in the centre of the Carlton Gardens; one of many Victoria era designed green squares in the neighbourhood.
      Carlton has challenged and changed politics, expanded our minds with new influences and tastes. It has been at the edge of art and culture with long running theatre companies, bookstores and cinemas, constantly broadening our world with new points of view and diverse opinions. It has welcomed the disenfranchised and the entrepreneur alike, creating a landscape of acceptance and success as time has passed, continuing to this day with a broad cross-section of people calling Carlton home. Still prized for its Melbourne location, students and professionals mingle with restaurateurs and merchants giving an air of relaxed sophistication found in few other suburbs.

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