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Scott McElroy
0411 889 972

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This website is for informational purposes only and does not form part of any legal contractual agreement. Any of the information contained herein has been compiled in good faith but the developer does not warrant its accuracy. Whilst every care has been taken to depict the finished building in accordance with the approved planning drawings, the rendered images on the website of the interiors and the completed building are a collection of artist impressions only. They should not be relied upon for any specific design detail or as a substitute for legal, financial, real estate or other expert advice. No furnishings at all are included with the individual properties in this development. You must make your own enquiries in all respects before making the decision to purchase any property within this development without relying on this brochure or any other marketing literature as a true representation of specific detail. Some building detail may need to be altered in order to comply with all relevant regulations and the requirements of statutory authorities.